Tuesday, May 1, 2007

One quick note on Randy Moss

He's good on good teams, bad on bad teams. He's another big-ego wide receiver who thinks he's the star of the show and that's exactly the type of athlete that talk show hosts flock to. The media suck-up types flock to the flamboyant speedsteer on the edge, he says something wildly irrelevant with flair and the media loves it! When the fawning talk show hosts all finally stop laughing, they immediately anoint him a 'clubhouse cancer'. (Remember when Freddy Mitchell--Freddy fucking Mitchell!--had the one good game of his whole freakin' life and talked non-stop for a week? And then promptly disappeared because he wasn't actually any good. This is what WR's do, man.)

No, Randy Moss is a sullen crab on teams that can't get him the ball (re: teams that aren't good enough to be helped by a good WR), and he's beloved on teams that can get him the ball. I think he'll go to the Patriots and be just fine. And the Raiders won't be any worse without him because a WR is a luxury, not a necessity. I think this trade was a win-win. (I would've thought he'd be worth more than a 4th round pick, but when you're as bad as the Raiders everything you touch becomes de-valued)

(My God, I don't know how many times I've yelled that at the radio in the last few days! I have a blog so I don't have to yell at the radio any more!)

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