Monday, January 15, 2007

More MLS News?

What the hell is up with Al-Jazeera busting out the sports mojo? They're reporting that Edgar Davids is on his way to the MLS now too. With Claudio Reyna coming back, I'd say that ramps up the push to poach Ronaldo too. Wait a minute, MLS is looking pretty interesting next year.

Look, I love ESPN, I think all sports should be ESPN. They're funny, they're classy, they're smart, they're on top of it. But why do they go out of their way to hate on soccer? Is that really necessary? They hate on the NHL, too, and they've had to learn over the years to not hate on NASCAR and I don't get it. Stick to what you do (and incidentally they do plenty of soccer!) and quit hating on what your listeners and viewers don't know anything about.

Will Beckham (or Reyna or Davids, for that matter) make soccer relevant in the USA? I will say this: if LA is in the Championship (and they probably should be) it'll be the highest rated MLS Championship ever. Impressed? No, me neither. That's like saying that signing Terrell Owens would make the Arena League final intriguing. As a soccer fan--a sports fan--I must readily admit that one good star can't really carry a team for an entire year, soccer just doesn't work that way. But that's no reason to say that he's already a washed-up failure. Jeez, let the guy play a few games first.

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