Friday, January 19, 2007

Cut day at the Bob Hope Classic

Is Phil Mickelson coming back strong in 2007 or is he done? I bristle at the 'choker' tag on anybody in sports (except Duke basketball, my personal nemesis) and for years the media jackals followed Phil around asking him when he's gonna win a major. Think about that...what's it like at your job? Do people follow you around the office nipping at your heels wondering aloud when you'll finally get the corner office?

Well he won one, then another and it looked like he was up where the air is rarified. He had everything going his way: Els was injured, Vijay was off his game last year, Tiger was in mourning and when he first came back he missed the first cut. The world belonged to Phil. And he pushed it wide. He Van de Veld-ed himself right out of a third major.

They say he's dedicated himself to fitness and getting 'it' back but that sounds like desperation has taken hold and that can't be good for golfer. Maybe a boxer or a middle linebacker can do that but golf and tennis are such head games that if you have to trick yourself into being great, then you ain't gonna be great. I'm rooting for Phil. But if he comes back it'll be a bigger story than the Tigers making the World Series.

Bob Hope Classic Leaderboard

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