Thursday, February 1, 2007

Laying Barbaro to rest

Barbaro was a horse, a good horse. There are coupla reasons why this story resonates.
1) He had just finished a brilliant career and was headed toward an even more brilliant retirement when it was all cut short. That's sad. We work, as humans, hard all our lives in hopes that we can relax in our later years and when you do what you gotta do and fate still conspires against you, it's tragic to witness.
2) The tragedy extends to medical technology. They, quite possibly, tried as hard to save Barbaro as they've ever tried to save the life of a horse before and still they couldn't. In horse racing it is not at all uncommon that they bring a curtain out and just do the poor horse right there on the track, so to see all this effort come up short is depressing.
A productive working life should be rewarded but for Barbaro it was not. That's too bad. Say a little prayer for your dead homies.

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