Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024 Euro Soccer (after 2 games)

Group A

Germany 2-0 Hungary

Hungary defended well, had some moments up front, but I'm still convinced Germany is the best team in this tourney. So far my only question mark is Sane: he just looks like he's not into it or something, I suppose he'll warm up. 2 wins for Germany means they're already through to the next round, 2 losses for Hungary means they're already done. 

Scotland 1-1 Switzerland

I thought Switzerland was the better team but Scotland sure looked better today than in their opening match (though they still only have own-goals on their stat sheet). Switzerland's goal was a beauty of a strike off a bad giveaway in the backfield. Switzerland should've scored more, should've sustained their attack better but just didn't on this day. Switzerland is in the driver's seat with 4 points and a match with an already disinterested Germany (which doesn't mean they'll suck, it just means their 2nd string will get a chance to shine out), while Scotland needs a W against Hungary (which I wouldn't count on). 

Which game to watch next? Scotland and Hungary are two of my least inspiring teams so far, so I guess I'll peak in on Switzerland-Germany, even though the Germans are already in just because I think Switzerland might have some magic and I'd like to see as much of Germany as I can since I know they're going deep.

Group B

Croatia 2-2 Albania

As they did against Italy, Albania scored an early goal that was more shocking than brilliant. This time they were able to sustain the lead a bit longer until the 74th minute, when Croatia went into overdrive and scored, flubbed another chance and then scored again all in less than 3 minutes. But Albania hung tough and stuck the equalizer deep into extra time to send the Croatians reeling. I like this Albania team: they play hard, they don't quit and their possession offense isn't bad. Croatia looked better than you think against Spain but they really needed a W here to have much hope of moving on. Since Albania got the draw, they've got a real chance to catch Spain napping. 

Spain 1-0 Italy

Spain was the better team in the 1st half, had better chances, more convincing possessions, even the better defense ultimately. Well, Spain got the winning goal, but I'm a little bummed that it was an own goal (total fluke, defender was stuck, not his fault) rather than Spain breaking through the Italian back line. It was the right result, though, Spain was clearly the better side on this day. Not that Italy is bad, they're not. But Spain is better. Spain is through to the next round, Italy needs a positive result against Croatia (who, also, isn't bad). 

Which game to watch next? Spain is already in and might not be at their best for Albania, which might make for a fun match. But Italy really needs the W and Croatia has got to have it, so that's the money game in this Group.

Group C

Slovenia 1-1 Serbia

Every time it felt like Serbia had truly established their possession offense, Slovenia kept coming up with stops and had a number of nifty breakouts, one of which eventually led to the goal that it didn't feel like Serbia would match. Realistically, though, these two teams were pretty similar, can't really call this an upset--And then as I'm writing these words Serbia get the equalizer in the 96th minute (the soccer equivalent of the buzzer beater)! And just like that I take back everything I just said. This was a well deserved draw, no matter how heartbreaking it was for the Slovenians and both teams are still in the mix

Denmark 1-1 England

I dunno, man, shouldn't England be better than this? I was never impressed with their attack and their one goal came from the Danish winger losing track of the guy behind him leading to a bad giveaway; some chaos in front of the goal and Kane finds the opening. Nice, but with Foden, Bellingham and Kane up front, they should be either causing more problems and/or holding longer possessions. As for Denmark, they pushed forward well enough and their goal was a beauty of a scorcher from 30 yards out (wow!) and they were strong enough to keep the draw intact. England has the W in this group, that alone looks like enough to push them through. Denmark needs a win against Serbia (could happen) to move on. 

Which game to watch next? England is in with a win or draw, everyone else needs a W. And as all the teams struck me as pretty similar....I dunno....I'll probably just watch whichever game is more convenient at the moment. 

Group D

Poland 1-3 Austria

Two even teams but Austria made more of their chances, especially in the 2nd half. Austria scored early on a nice header off an entry pass but Poland was able to level the score by halftime. In the 2nd half, though, Austria had the more sustained attack, took the lead and then piled on with a PK (tricky call: looked like an easy call at first but on the replay the keeper kinda gets kicked in the face by the attacker and that's all, so I didn't think it was quite as obvious on second look). Austria was the better team, the more dangerous team, I thought they looked a lot better this game than the previous game. (And why did Lewandowski only play 30 minutes? I never understand how soccer players are too hurt for 90 minutes but healthy enough for 30--that's such an un-American way of playing, I just can't wrap my head around it) Poland might be able to catch France snoozing, likewise Austria for Netherlands. 

Netherlands 0-0 France

Even match, France was maybe slightly better all in all. Netherlands had a nice goal that was waived off due to the other attacker being offsides, it was a 50/50 call, I guess I got no complaints. With Austria getting a W, both of these teams need a positive result in the third game, we'll see who is ready.  

Which game to watch next?  Poland and Netherlands both need W's, I think I'm more into seeing if France can put away Poland. This might be a 1st of half, 2nd half of the other kinda match day. 

Group E

Slovakia 1-2 Ukraine

(Don't have Fubo, didn't see. 2 games in and I still haven't seen Ukraine, but the media keeps telling m they're "winning", so.....)

Belgium 2-0 Romania

Romania played with spunk and I wouldn't say Belgium dominated the match, but Belgium had way more good looks at goal than Romania could muster. If Belgium plays like this (what's up with deBruyne? Is it me or does he look like his mind is elsewhere?), they'll be a tough out but I've become skeptical of them so I still can't put them too high on my board. Romania had a swagger to them and were pretty good on both ends, they just couldn't get near the goal. 

Which game to watch next? I dunno....All 4 teams have a W and an L, I guess Belgium is up on goals. I still haven't seen Ukraine at all, I suppose I ought to check them out, but Belgium should pummel them. I think I'd rather see Slovakia-Romania.

Group F

Georgia 1-1 Czechia

(Don't have Fubo, didn't see. I haven't seen either of these teams yet, are they really even countries?)

Turkey 0-3 Portugal

Well, Turkey played hard but didn't get lucky at all and were stung horribly by their mistakes. Portugal got the first goal about 25 minutes in, then were gifted an own-goal before halftime (not the goalie's fault!) and even though it felt like they were moving at half speed in the 2nd half, they still ended up collecting one of the easiest goals I've ever seen after a Turkish defender fell over. Just to add to the overall weirdness of this match, I thought the ref was kinda awful, making utterly random foul calls and even handing out yellow cards for the most minimal interactions. Obviously Portugal was the big winner and they looked fine, I guess, but they exerted so little effort that its hard to tell what kind of squad they are. As for Turkey, man, they just stepped in unlucky shit over and over, so, too, hard to tell how good they actually are.

Which game to watch next? I gotta go with Turkey and Czechia, since Portugal is already in and should probably beat Georgia anyway. 

Still feels like Germany is the team to beat, though Spain looks pretty damn game. I'm still not sold on France, Belgium, England, Netherlands or Italy, though Portugal looks pretty good. Nice pack of underdogs but I don't see anyone else making noise--though this is a low-scoring game and upsets happen all the time, I could wildly wrong. 

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