Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Suggestion for the NFL

Reports are speculating that the NFL is planning to have a London based team in the next 5-6 years. No. I do not like this idea. Basketball is a world game, soccer or baseball or track--these are world games. Football is an American game. I am not eager to watch Turkey play Nigeria in football, I have no interest in any expansion of the game of American football. Yes, I understand that markets need to expand or they combust. As a fan all I can say is: not my problem, bro. I don't believe that exposing football to more people around the world will expand the pool of potential players and as for potential fans out there, let them watch games on TV.

What should the NFL do? Become a hedge fund. Take your ginormous profits and invest in driverless cars or Hollywood movies or commodity speculation. I don't care how the NFL makes its money going forward but the amount of football being played is absolutely perfect and the game itself need not expand. Well, I should amend that perfection: I don't like Thursday games (opening night and Thanksgiving being the only exceptions) and I don't like international games. Football is not an international sport and foisting it on foreigners will only piss people off and not make the game better. I'm all for making the television transmission of games available in markets all over the world but not the game itself.

I can only hope that the NFL chooses to maximize its profit through scarcity of product rather than watering down that product by trying to expand America's game to places that are not America. I'm all for expanding hockey or tennis or golf (indeed, ANY other sport) but not football.

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