Friday, May 18, 2007

This is why I predict the future

Yeah, I admit I have a weird fascination with trying to predict the future. Knowing the future is flat out impossible, as per Herr Heisenberg, precisely why it fascinates me so. Some things are large and abstract and not hard to predict (crude will hit $70 by the end of September--book it!), while others are more given to chance and just have to play themselves out (I say Persepolis wins the Palm D'or this year, but how the hell would I know?). Or: it's clear to me the Democrats will take back the White House in 2008 (abstract), but I haven't the slightest clue who that particular Dem will be (specific).

But every once in a while I get it right. Scary right, bone chillingly right, oh yeah, I'm like that dwarf lady in Poltergeist! Looking into my eyes is like looking into a crystal ball. So check out what I wrote on May 7, in my NBA Playoff Predictions blog entry:

Pistons-Bulls: Bulls win 1 in Detroit, Pistons win 2 in Chicago. Pistons in 6

Yup, I called it. I'm wrong so often that when I'm right you best believe I'm gonna pound you over the head with it!

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