Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sosa is back

Rememer Bobby Higginson? With the Tigers he was a pretty good player on a really awful team. Years ago in my very first baseball fantasy league, Higginson was on virtually every manager's roster at some point during the season. Why? Well, he wasn't great but he was better than that deadbeat reliever that wasn't getting it done or that injured outfielder but he wasn't good enough to keep when the guy got healthy or somebody else got hot. There were 18 players on each roster, 8 teams, that would make Higginson basically the 145th best player in the league that year.

Sammy Sosa, a spring training invitee of the Texas Rangers, will be 2007's 145th best player. In your fantasy league--book it--every single coach at some point will desperately scour the free agent pile looking for that guy that might get hot and do something useful. And they'll all pick Sammy Sosa at least once. And then they'll dump him back on the pile for the next guy. Kind of a pay it forward thing. Sammy Sosa, I dub the 'Hig'.

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